Month: August 2015

Another Chance To Short The Home Builders——–Coming Soon

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Draghi’s Massive QE Notwithstanding, Europe Goes Nowhere

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Mind The Gold-Lumber Ratio—–It’s Signaling A Spot Of “Risk-Off” Bother In The Equity Markets

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Mind The Credit/Equity Divergence——-Back At Levels Last Seem 10 Days Before The Bear Stearns Collapse

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Hey Fed! Get A Grip On Your Inflation Reality Gap With July PPI

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There Is Only One Currency War——It Is Driven By The Global Dollar Short

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We’ve Reached The End Of The Line—–Now The Game Changes

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Retail Sales Still Down For Now Seven Months

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Chart Of The Day: The Tesla ‘Cash Burn’ Inferno

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CNBC’s Alfred E. Neuman Luncheon Club—–Beyond Clueless

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