Year: 2019

Donald Trump: Big Spender-In-Chief

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US Manufacturing PMI Slumps To 10-Year Low, Business Outlook Worst On Record

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Why Robot Trading Will End in Disaster

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How This Plays Out?!? Deceleration, Distortion, Debt-Deflation, Depopulation, Default, & Depression

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Robert Mueller: The Magician Of Omission On RussiaGate

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Questions for Mueller Show Which Show Why RussiaGate Was Always A Hoax

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Gold Rising, Monetary Insanity Coming Home To Roost—Especially In The EU

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Liquidity Shock—The Next Leg Of The Donald’s Abominable Budget Deal

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Chinese Oil Importers Give Washington The Middle One: Millions of Barrels Of Iranian Crude Piling Up In Bonded Storage Tank Farms

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Lights Out On RussiaGate: The Impending Swan Song Of Bobby Three-Sticks

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