Year: 2019

Essence Of The Judy Shelton Nomination: PhD Standard Versus Honest Money

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More Synchronized Global Cooling: Japan’s Exports Down 6.7% In June, Seventh Straight Month Lower

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Rand Paul to The Rescue: Please Give Him A Shot With Iran, Donald!

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Foreign Purchases Of US Homes Collapsed 50% In Last Two Years

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Not The Greatest Economy Ever, Part 2

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Circus Mueller Delayed But Still A Dagger Dems Are Aiming At Themselves

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Another Red Ponzi Debt Eruption: ABS Market Grows 10X In Five Years

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President Eisenhower’s Worst Nightmare: Massive Defense Contractors Extracting $50 Billion Per Year From Uncle Sam

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The Rise Of Monetary and Fiscal Insanity

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What “Strong” June Retail Sales? Y/Y Up Just 1.8% (or Below Inflation) Without Dubious “Seasonal Adjustment”

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