Year: 2019

Jay Powell: Consummate Coward In An Empty Suit, Part 1

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What Trade War? Japan’s May Exports Down 7.8% Y/Y—Sixth Straight Decline

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There Ya Go, Mario! Denmark’s Entire Yield Curve Has Turned Negative Owing To Hot Money Inflows From Draghi’s Funny Money Euros

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Mind The Red Ponzi: Its Financial “Markets” Are A House Of Cards

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(Not) Draining The Deep End Of The Swamp: Boeing Out, Raytheon In

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Art Laffer: The Greatest Fake Economist To Ever Come Down The Pike

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The Global Economy Is Perched Precariously On The U.S. Shale Oil Ponzi

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Draghi Punts, Trump Grunts, Gold Bunts

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Trade War Billiard Balls Bouncing: Apple Weighs Moving 15-30% Of Production Out Of China

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Hey, Donald, The Neocons Are Setting You Up For A Big Loser—“Trump’s War” In Iran

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