Year: 2019

A “Market” That Needs $1 Trillion in Panic-Money-Printing by the Fed to Stave Off Implosion Is Not a Market

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China Would have to buy a ‘Crazy Amount’ of Farm Goods to meet Trump’s Phase 1 Claim

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Hey, Shifty Schiff—How About Some Rehab With Your Impeachment Bender!

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Another Horowitz Finding: The RussiaGate Hoax Smeared Carter Page For Doing Exactly Nothing Wrong

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NATO’s Real Purpose: Welfare For The Military-Industrial Complex

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Hey, Yield Chasing Asset Managers—This Serves You Right! (Spoiler Alert: More To Come!)

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Red Ponzi Cracking: Default Of State Giant Tewoo Is A Game-Changer

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The Horowitz Report: The FBI’s Scam Was Abetted By MSM “Journalists” In The Tank For The Deep State

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The Afghanistan War Has Been A Tissue Of Lies

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Long Live The Trade Wars! Long Live The Fed’s Printing Presses!

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