Year: 2019

Empire First: The Pompeo/Bolton War On Iran That Has Zero To Do With America’s Homeland Defense

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Trade Wars Generate Casualties—Global Air Freight Sliding Hard

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Fake Meat, Fake Pop, Fake Recovery, Fake Market

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Don’t Call It “Growth”: Gundlach On The Phony Prosperity Of The Debt Super-Cycle

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Farage & Gabbard—-Lions of the Great Realignment

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Mind The Next Scheduled Bear: Average Time Back To Even In Real Terms=18 Years!

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Next Trump Fed Nominee Favors Sound Money…..And Plenty Of It!

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Thus Spake The Walrus Of War: I’m In Charge Here!

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The Chicoms Got That Right—Steve Bannon Is A Certifiable Whack-Job

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Memo To Mnuchin From China’s Commerce Ministry—Exactly What Talks Have Been “Resumed”?

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