Year: 2019

When The Wall Street Chart-Monkeys Become Whirling Dervishes—It’s Time For A Plan On How Not To Become COLLATERAL DAMAGE

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Probably Nothin’! The Donald Says Trade Is Theft, Anyway

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Global Economy Cooling—New Signs Everywhere

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RussiaGate’s Monstrous Offspring—Mindless Bipartisan Bellicosity

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What Trade Deal? Chicom Media Now Demonizing The Donald–An Attack That Will Not Help To Get His Head Right

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From America First To The Empire Of Aggression: Trump’s Betrayal On Iran

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The Real Reason The Red Ponzi May Dump US Treasuries—To Prop-Up Its Faltering House Of Cards

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The Tweeter-In-Chief Needs A Day Job

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Triple Top’s In, Trump’s Unhinged And The Chart-Monkeys Are Running For Cover

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Good Job, Donald! When The Swamp Takes Over The Pentagon

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