Year: 2019

No Macroeconomic Implications? Pivoting Powell Pedals Preposterous Prevarications

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No Macroeconomic Implications? Fed Has absorbed 90% Of Massive Treasury Debt Issuance Since Sept. 16!

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The Three Great Certainties: Death, Taxes And Clueless Fed Projections

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The FBI—Pushed By John Brennan—Lied To The Court Seven Times To Spy On The Trump Campaign

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The Swamp Creatures’ Cabal: McConnell Fixing To Take A Quickie Dive For Uncle Joe

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The Real FISA Abuse—-It’s Unconstitutional!

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The Higher Calling Of Free Trade: Liberty, Peace, Prosperity, and Harmony

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The Art of Doublespeak: Bellingcat and Mind Control

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‘Corroboration Zero’: Horowitz Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

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Duck & Cover! The Russkies Are Coming—As Soon As They Put Out The Fire On Their Only 35-Year Old Aircraft Carrier

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