Year: 2019

The Blithering Stupidity Of The Donald’s Tariffs: Higher Costs To US Consumers, Foreign Aid To Un-Tariffed EM Exporters

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How the Pentagon Took Ownership of The Donald

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The China Trade Racket’s Days Are Numbered

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Bolton & Co Are Steering Trump Toward War With Iran

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The Orange Swan Cometh, Part 1

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Making Monkeys Out Of The Wall Street Investment Gurus

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The Good Old Days Of Tricky Dick Are Not MAGA: Real Hourly Worker Wages Are Still At 1972 Levels

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What Is 29? The Number Of Venezuelan Electoral Votes (Via Florida)

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Invade Venezuela? Of Course, The War Party Is Always Up For Another “Jolly Little War”

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While The Donald Tweets Trade Wars At China, The Walrus Sends War Armada At Iran

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