Year: 2019

Tremors In The Money Market—The Collateral Call Creeps Ever Closer

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Cancel That POTUS Order! Pentagon Gives The Donald A Heads Up—We’re In Syria For The “Long Haul” Because They Got Land And Oil

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Gubermint Inflation Stats: How Rising Fuel Prices Lowered The Q1 GDP Deflator & Goosed Growth!

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How The Neocons Deep Sixed America First On North Korea And Iran

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By Golly! The Monetary Nincompoop In The Oval Office Is Actually Heading For NIRP

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10Q Surprise! Tesla Makes Pollution Credits, Not Profits

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Redfin: Home Prices “Turn Negative” for the First Time since 2007

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In-Coming US, Canada And China Shoots—Not So Green

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Yes, Ray Dalio, Capitalism Is Broken: Your $2 Billion Was A Product Of Central Bank Enabled Speculation

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Why The GOP/DEM Duopoly Loves Monetary Socialism

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