Year: 2019

Ooops! Did Someone Turn Off The Semiconductor Spigot—Q1 global Sales down 15.5%

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Hogs Do Get Slaughtered: Up To 200 Million Chinese Pigs To Be Felled By African Swine Fever

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Not Free Enterprise! Blackwater Founder Wants The Donald To Out-Source The Overthrow Of Venezuela’s Elected Government

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More Termites Under The Q1 Headline: Income Growth Was Punk

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Hey, Donald! This Ain’t MAGA

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Mind The Bonehead Dollar Short: Emerging Markets Have Doubled Dollar Debt Since Lehman

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The Fed Is The Bubble

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More Pentagon Idiocy: Push To Encircle Russia Via Renewed Drive For Georgia NATO Membership

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Just Sayin’: From 2018 Global Military Spend Of $1.822 Trillion—US Share=35.6%, Russkie=3.3%

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Bubble, Bubble, Double Trouble

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