Year: 2019

Bolton, Pompeo, Bibi &The Orange Man Make Economic War On Iran—A Folly Of Staggering Proportions

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Time To Take Cover: Bernanke In 2008, Powell In 2019—No Recession In Sight!

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Since 1999: Fed Balance Sheet Up 700%, Real New Tools Per Capita Down 40%

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Why The BLS’ “Jobs” Count & U-3 Unemployment Rate Are Obsolete: It’s The Hours, Stupid!

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$20 Trillion Of New Central Bank Balance Sheet: Where Did All the Money Go?

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JPM Warns Of Brewing Financial Crisis—Money Market Liquidity Conditions At Decade Low

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The Real Collusion: Obama White House Got Ukraine To Dig For Dirt On Manafort, Bury The Stink On Joe/Hunter Biden

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False Flag Gas Attacks In Syria: The Monumental Fraud Of The White Helmets

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$15 Trillion From Thin Air—The Massive Central Bank Fraud On The World Economy

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How Washington’s Imperial Navy Rolls–Pointless Hazing Of China’s Sand Castles In The South China Sea

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