Year: 2019

The Elephants in the Room in Sri Lanka—Blowback Against The Empire

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The Ill Winds Of March—Retail Sales Trend Continues To Weaken

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Something’s Gonna Give!

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Greed Is Back, Wedge Is Tightening—Blow-Off Top Comes Next

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No Joy In Never-Trumpville: The Mighty Mueller Has Struck Out, Part 3

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No Green Shoots In The Red Ponzi—Financial Instability/Dollar Squeeze Intensifying

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The Maidan Massacre & Coup In Kiev, 2014—Time For Ukraine’s New Leader To Investigate The Truth

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Punk Existing Home Sales—Another Sign The Recovery Is Running Out Of Gas

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Elon Musk: The Say Anything Donald Trump Of Used Car Salesmen

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Now Comes RussiaGate Act 2: Deep State/Dem Circular Firing Squad

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