Year: 2019

Progress! Ukraine Tosses Out Joe Biden’s Corrupt Lackey For An Honest Comedian

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What Trumpian Boom? Single-Family Housing Starts Back To Sept. 2016 Level

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Electric Car-Owners Shocked: New Study Confirms EVs Considerably Worse For Climate Than Diesel Cars

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More Bullish Propaganda—Auto Sales Are Not Strong

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How The Red Ponzi Rolls—-Explosion Of “Perpetuals”To Circumvent Debt Limits

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Thanks For The Clarification, Mike Pompeo: “I Was The CIA Director–We Lied, We Cheated. We Stole

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History May Not Repeat, Exactly, But They Do Keep Trying! (3)

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Mueller’s Same Old, Same Old BS: DNC Emails Were Not Hacked, They Were Leaked

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History May Not Repeat, Exactly, But They Do Keep Trying! (2)

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Still No Proof Of Russian Government Meddling In 2016 Election–Just Mueller’s Own Unproven Russian Indictments Never Intended For Trial

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