Year: 2019

U-Turn In Trucking: J.B. Hunt’s Intermodal Volume Plunged By Nearly 7% In Q1

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When Dissenters Become Enemies Of The State—Tyranny Is Not Far Behind

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Buck Naked In The Bond Pits—Foreign Investors Buying UST Yield W/O Ultra-Expensive FX Protection

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Shopocalypse Now! 5,994 Stores Already Closed In 2019, Blowing Past 2018’s Full Year Total

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German Green Shoots Or Just Another Springtime Head Fake?

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America’s Longest War: Who Will Be The Last To Die For The Afghan Lie

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What Trumpian Boom? Tariff Pull-Forward Sugar High Is Now A Hangover Slamming West Coast Ports

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The S&P Index At 2900: The Biggest Wall Street/Fed Whopper Ever Told, Part 2

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Thanks, Fed! We Trashed Main Street And You Pleasured Us With Vig

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The Red Ponzi’s Flakey Q1: More State Stimulus=More GDP (And More Colossal Debt)

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