Year: 2019

U-Turn In Trucking: Cass Shipment Index Down 4th Consecutive Month

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Obama’s SpyGate:Trump Investigation Was Manufactured From Thin Air, Produced Smoke Tied With Bailing Wire

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The Donald Gets Snookered By Bloody Gina Haspel’s Fake Duck Pictures

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Canary In The Box Plants: Packaging Investors Just Saw $3 Billion Wiped Out in One Hour

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The S&P Index At 2900: The Biggest Wall Street/Fed Whopper Ever Told, Part 1

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What Manning/Assange Actually Exposed In The 2010 Wikileaks Publications—Brutal Atrocities Against Civilians In Iraq By The US Military

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Health Care Socialism—The GOP Loves It, Too

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Once Upon A Time Profits Drove Stocks—Now, Not So Much!

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Uncle Sam’s Debt Keeps Going Parabolic—But It Doesn’t Matter…Until It Does!

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The Deep State’s Useful Idiots—-Liberal Airheads Of The MSM

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