Year: 2019

The Real Evil-Doer Behind The RussiaGate Hoax: Former CIA Director John Brennan

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Hey, Donald, Number Of Terrorists Who Crossed The Mexican Border Illegally As Adults Between 1975 and 2015: ZERO!

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Here They Go Again—Fed “Stimulating” Wall Street Speculators Into Another Asset Bubble And Crash

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Hey, Donald, You’re Stuck With Powell—Plus The Big, Fat Ugly Bubble Inflated By His Predecessors

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Auto Sales Tank Again In March—Now Down 10% From 2015 Peak

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Peak Auto—Why The Cycle Is Again Rolling Over

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April Fools’ Day On Wall Street

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Can Washington Ever Stop Meddling? Economic Sanctions On Nicaragua Are Acts Of War Which Won’t Dislodge The Sandinistas After 4 Decades

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Palpitations In VC Land—No Lyft(off) For You!

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Maiden 2.0—Washington’s Imperial Arrogance Run Amuck In Venezuela

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