Year: 2019

Here Comes The Fake China Trade Deal, Part 2….

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Repeat Once Again: BTFD Because The Fed See’s A Second Half Pick-Up…In 2008, That Is!

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Donald Benito Amilcare Trump: He’s Fixing To Make The 5G Run On Time

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Another 2019 Peak: Record Used Cars Going Off-Lease Will Drive Down Prices, Reduce Trade-In Equity

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2018 Credit Card Debt Hits Record $870 Billion

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US Global Trade Deficit Soars To $891 Billion—China Highest Ever At $419 Billion

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Here Comes The Fake China Trade Deal, Part 1

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Four Hilarious Charts Which Explain Powell’s Pusillanimous Pivot

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Hey, Donald, You Screwed-Up Bigly: Bolton Is The Last Person On Earth (or Mars) Who Should Be National Security Adviser

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Newsflash To GOP: Socialism Is Already Here And You Helped It Happen

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