Year: 2019

Batten Down The Hatches: Major CTA Sell Trigger Is Days Away

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Greece Is All Fixed: Grab Them 3.9% 10-Year Bonds While Their Hot!

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Economic Growth In The Red Ponzi: It’s Printed From The Top, Not Generated From The Bottom

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New Home Sales Rise 6.7%—From December 1970 Level!

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The Alleged Russian Poising Of The Skripals One Year Later—A Clumsy False Flag Caper Too Hilarious For Words

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When Central Banks Are The Only Game In Town—It’s Game Over

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Thanks For The Tax Cuts, Washington. Stock Buybacks Soared Above CapEx Just Like It’s 2007 Again!

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Time Magazine—The Worst Weatherman Ever!

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Washington’s Other Great Hoax—Climate Hysteria and The 97% Scam

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Pence’s Random Guy(aido) Returns Only To Be Again Ignored

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