Year: 2019

Hey, Wall Street–Abandon Your Sell-Side Hockey Sticks! GAAP P/E Ratios At Second Highest Pre-Recession Level Ever

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Ooops! Don’t Tell The Donald—US Had All-Time Record Trade Deficit Of $79.5 Billion In December

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Here They Go Again: Dubai Real Estate Boom 2.0 Hits The Skids

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Kick The China Can! Why The Donald’s Trade War With The Red Ponzi Is Just Beginning, Part 2

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A Uniquely Stupid Idea: Washington Sponsored Regime Change In A Hotbed Of Yankee Go Home!

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Thanks For The Cheap Money, Fed: December Single Family Starts Back To October 1982!

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US Housing Starts Hit The Skids In December—-Down 10.9% Y/Y

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Who’s Buying? Companies. Who’s Selling? Everybody Else. How Will It End? Not Well!

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Oops, Imports by China, Emerging Asia Plunge Most Since 2008

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If Central Banks Are The Only Game In Town—Then It Will Soon Be Game Over!

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