Year: 2019

Memo To House Dems On Why Deutsche Bank Was Only Bank Willing To Lend To Trump: It Was Their Stupidity, Not The Russians, Stupid!

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Genius Energy Secy Rick Perry Goes Full Retard Paranoid On Huawei: Says It’s Plotting To Subvert Solar Panels!

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Why The Fed’s Doom-Loop Will Take The US Economy Down, Part 3

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The Next LTCM? $8 Billion Hedge Fund Is Using 10x Leverage

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Fire On Venezuela’s Santander Bridge—Still Another Washington False Flag

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What Jay & The Cowards Have Wrought—One Big Bloated Overbought Pig

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Washington “Humanitarian Aid” Stunt And Fake Riots Achieved Nothing

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Here’s Post-Liberation Libya After Sen. Rubio & Neocon Thugs Got Done: On To Venezuela??!

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Good Job, Donald! You Hit Uncle Sam’s Overdrawn Credit Card To Goose Growth & Got This

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Canary In The Shale Patch—-Wall Street Losing Interest In Perpetual Red Ink

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