Year: 2019

Synchronized Global Growth, R. I. P.

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Ooops! Q4 GDP Growth Outlook Slumps To 1.4%

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Canary Down Under: Australia’s Housing Crash And Wealth Mal-Distribution Backlash Will Spread

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Here Comes The Funny Math: Why There’s No Way China Can Boost US Farm Purchases From $20 Billion To $50 Billion

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Germany Files For Divorce From Washington—-Sayonara NATO!

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Baghdad Blinders—Even The Donald Can’t Let Go

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Call It A Trumpian Boom, If You Must—-Looks More Like A Recession Calling From Here

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Why The Fed’s Doom-Loop Will Take The US Economy Down, Part 1

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Canary On The Dealer Lots—Auto Sales Are Slumping Around The World

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US Housing Market In Freefall As New Buyers Can’t Afford A Home

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