Year: 2019

California Existing Homes Sales Fall to Lowest Level in More Than 10 Years”

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The Blind (Fed) Again Leading The Blind (Wall Street): No Recession In Sight!

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End Of The Ballyhooed Trumpian Boom? Nah, Probably Just Another “Glitch”

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Thanks For The Massive Corporate Tax Cut, GOP! CapEx Orders Back To May 2008 Levels

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Butt Out, Donald! Nord Stream 2 Is Germany’s Business, Not Yours

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Kick The China Can! Why The Donald’s Trade War With The Red Ponzi Is Just Beginning, Part 1

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Puzzle Palace On The Potomac: $821 Billion Of Phony Fed “Profits” Funded Make Believe Deficit Reduction Of $821 Billion In Last 10 Years

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SOTUS Strikes A Blow For Liberty—Reins In Unconstitutional Property Seizures

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Hey, Donald! Exactly Which Border Is Being Inundated By The Hordes?

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RussiaGate In Flames: Senate Finds No Collusion, DNC Hack Narrative Implodes

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