Year: 2019

Red Ponzi Update: Beijing Juggling Half-Dozen Flaming Hand Grenades While Walking On A High Wire

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On The Casino’s Post X-Mas Bounce—Two Charts Which Show There’s No There, There

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Davos Man—Endangered Specie

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Paraphrasing Ben Franklin On What Washington Has Wrought: It’s An Empire, If You Can Afford It

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The Pentagon’s Next Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone—-Space-Based Missile Defense Layer

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Bubble Finance In One Picture: Every Declining Income Growth, Ever Rising Wealth!

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Tesla Hits The Skids: High Prices, Higher Costs, Slowing Demand, No Profits, Vanishing Cash

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Why We Need Savings to Produce What We Need

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Tulsi Gabbard and the Great Foreign Policy Realignment

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Will Nothing Sate John Bolton’s Lust for War?

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