Year: 2019

Four Reasons Taxpayers Should Never Subsidize Stadiums

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Teleprompter Donald: Wrong Crisis, Wrong Shutdown, Part 1

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A Farewell To “Bargain Shopping”

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After $3 Trillion Of ECB Money-Pumping—-Germany Heading For Recession

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America’s $3.5 Trillion Health Care System—An Out-Of-Control Money Scam

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Here They Go Again: The Fed’s Chicken-Doves Are Still Clueless

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Look Out Below! The Robo-Traders Have Gone Ursine

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Free Market At Work— Prices of legalized Pot Crash By 70% In Oregon

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Macron May Trigger Debt Crisis with Yellow Vest Crackdown

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Result Of 3-Day US/China Trade Confab: A Great Big Soy-Based Nothingburger

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