Year: 2019

The New Dem Platform: Free Stuff At Home, Forever Wars Abroad

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Creative Destruction or Mispriced (Amazon) Capital? Ecommerce Now Exceeds Maul(ed) Store Sales

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Yes, They Did! Overwhelming Evidence of Ukraine’s 2016 Anti-Trump Meddling In US Election

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The Stench Of Crony Capitalism: Blackrock And Pimco Whine About Cutting Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Loose From Government Teats

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Fiona Hill: Russophobic Whacko By Any Other Name

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Paul Wolfowitz’s NYT Op Ed: Blatherings Of A Sanctimonious Sicko

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28 Facts Which Crush Lt. Colonel Vindman’s Claim That Ukrainian Meddling In The 2016 Election Is Russkie Disinformation

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Phantom Mania: There’s Nothing Of Substance Underlying The Current Market Melt-Up

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Consumer Next Shoe To Drop As Wall Street Ignores Data “Decelerating Hard”

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Intellectual Property Theft: Not The Ill It’s Cracked Up To Be

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