Year: 2019

“War On Terror” Boxscore To Date: 801,000 Dead, $6.4 Trillion Largely Wasted

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The Brennan Dossier: All About The Prime Mover of RussiaGate Who Should Be Locked Up For Sedition

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Thanks For The (Asset) Inflation, Fed! Top 10% Now Own 90% of Stocks

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Day Of Reckoning

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Washington Makes Endless War And Calls It Peace

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Insufferable Pomposity: Obnoxious State Department Drones Destroyed Ukraine; Their Next Target: Trump

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What Strong Economy? Powell’s Either Stupid Or A Blatant Liar

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Why The Free Money Bubble Is About To Burst

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George Kent: The War Party’s Idiot Apparatchik & Russophobe Stooge

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Bubbles Of The Red Ponzi—An Austrian Diagnosis

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