Year: 2019

Hallelujah! The World Is Learning That The Washington War Party Is A Dangerous “Ally”

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The Great Deal-Maker At Work: Dig A Hole, Partially Refill It, Declare Victory!

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How The Atlantic Council Raked in Funding from Hunter Biden’s Corruption-Stained Ukrainian Employer While Courting His VP Father

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“r-star”: Another Case Of Self-Serving Central Banker Tommyrot

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Ooops! The Donald’s Phase I Deal Was Apparently With Himself, Not China

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“Not QE” Surges To $88 Billion—Wall Street Punters Laughing All The Way To The Bank

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Wake-Up Call On The Syrian Border: Time To End Washington’s Feckless Regime Change Policy And NATO, Too

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Congressman Gaetz Got That Right: Homeland Security Has No Dog In The 400+-Year Old Kurd/Turk Fight

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American Democracy Imperiled—The Deep State Goes For Permanent Coup

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Hey, Jay Powell! How G.D. Stupid Do You Think We Are?

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