Year: 2019

Forever 21 BK Adds To Retail Apocalypse: 2019 Store Closures To Hit Record 12,000

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Bad Moon Rising—An October Deja Vu This Way Comes

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House Flipper Lending Hits 13-Year High: What Can Possibly Go Wrong?

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WeWork Rang The Bell—Unicorns Down, Bulls Next

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Just A Hiccup: Gold’s “Golden Week” Blues Are A Regularly Scheduled Event

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The Ukrainian Corruption Sewer: The Bidens And Dems Are In It Neck Deep

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Here It Comes—Literal Helicopter Money

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Q2 Flow-Of-Funds: The Financial Bubble Inflation Keeps On Inflating

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What’s Behind WhistleGate? The CIA. Natch!

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Why Shokin Got Fired: “Direct And Intense Pressure From Joe Biden”

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