Year: 2019

The Collapse in Germany is Real — and Accelerating

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The Ticking Time Bomb This Time: $2.2 Trillion of Leveraged Loans Are 2X The Size of Subprime Mortgages

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Up Next UkraineGate—Biden Did, Trump Didn’t, The MSM Dissembles

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Yes, Climate Change Is A Thing!

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The Fed’s Monetary Puzzle Palace—The Utter Foolishness of Interest Rate Targeting

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Life in the Red Ponzi Is Getting Harder—Why Emperor Xi Should Worry

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The Disconnect Between The Markets & Economy Has Grown

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Deportation Raids Waste Police Resources, But Don’t Reduce Crime

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Red Ponzi Squealing: China Heading For 35% Pork Shortage Owing To Massive Swine Disease

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Ted Cruz, As Stupid As They Come: The Inexhaustible Bad Faith Of Iran Hawks

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