Year: 2019

Same Climate Hysteria: Global Colding, Circa 1977

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SoftBank, Unicorns, “Community-Adjusted EBITDA” And The WeWork Scam: The Jig Is Finally Up!

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The Curse Of Keynesian Central Banking, Part 3

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Beyond Abomination: A Life Sentence For Repairing Weed Delivery Trucks In A State Where It’s Now Legal!

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Red Ponzi Wobbling: August Trade Numbers Send More Distress Signals

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The New Cold War: Chapter And Verse On Washington’s Betrayal, Deception And Aggression

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What Strong Jobs Market? US Economy Has Generated Just 11,000 Breadwinner Jobs Per Month For The Last 19 Years Running

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Emperor Xi Speaks—No More M&A For You! China’s International Deals Down 80% From 2016

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The Unmitigated Idiocy Of The Trump/Netanyahu War On Iran

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Here We Go Again! September’s Seasonal Psych Ward

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