Year: 2019

The Amtrak Boondoggle: Economic Loser And Accounting Cheat

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Trump’s Afghanistan Debacle: How A Clueless Narcissist Sabotaged Himself

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Recession? In Rust Belt Manufacturing Land It’s Already Here

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The Donald And Pocahontas: Two Peas In A Protectionist Pod

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Here They Go Again: Shale Boom Rapidly Going Bust

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Mutual Trade War Fatalities: US Exports To China Down 22% in August, China Exports To US Down16%

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Fake Growth—Red Ponzi Style

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Why 2020 Will Be The Most Volatile Year In History

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Drone Bubble Bursts, Wiping Out Startups and Hammering VC Firms

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Who Is Buying Subzero Bonds? Currency-Hedged Foreigners And Price-Chasing Momos

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