David Stockman

Herd Quarantine: The Disastrous RX Of The Doctors Who Broke The Nation

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Japan’s Terminally Indebted Government To Compensate For Covid-Damage Which Didn’t Happen

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Sorry CNN! India Government Encourages HCQ Use Based On Three Positive Effect Stiudies

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Back In the Day They Said Hospitals Would Be Overwhelmed: $21M Brooklyn Field Hospital Got Zero Covid Patients

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The Demagoguery Of Death And The State’s Will To Power

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The Folly Of Lockdown Nation: One Size Does Not Fit All

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Covid-19: Scourge Of The Aged And Infirm, Not A Random Sample Killer

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CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Covid Mortality Rate—But CNN’s Chyron Of Death Doesn’t Even Flicker

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Why Lockdown Nation “Hertz” So Bad

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New CDC Study Shows Covid-19 IFR Is Just 0.3%

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