David Stockman

Honest Injun! Stock Speculators Have Made $109 Million For Every Covid Victim Since Fed Bailouts Began In March

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Coron-A-merica: Land Of The Quarantined And Home Of The Snitches

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The Five Boroughs Of Covid—The Wrong Size That Fits Virtually None Of The USA

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For Whom? For What?

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A Not Fun Fact: 30.3 Million Job Losses Since March=Cumulative Job Losses From All Recessions Since 1945

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The Greatest Economy Ever—Not Now, Not Ever

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Probably Nothin’!

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Back-Testing The Imperial College Model On No Lockdown Sweden: Q.E.D.!

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Lockdown Debates Over—Sweden Plan Wins Hands Down

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The Real Pandemic: Out-Of-Control Lockdown Governors

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