Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy

Q3 GDP Shows Europe Still Dead-In-The-Water——-And The Credit Markets Show It

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Another Warning Sign From Japan: Prime Minister Abe Just Met With Paul Krugman!

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China Falters Again, Sell-Side Whines For More “Stimulus”

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Money Printers At Work—–Bubbles And Buybacks

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Japan’s Fiscal Calamity Intensifies—-Consumption Tax Delay Shows It Will Never Staunch Its Deficit Hemorrhage

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Slack Is Not Depressing Wages, Bubbles Are

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Nominal Wages Have Flat-lined at 2% For Four Years——That’s Not Evidence Of A “Recovering” Labor Market

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More Evidence That BLS Jobs Numbers Are Fishy: Working Age Population Up 6X Greater Than Labor Force Since 2012

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Central Banks Don’t Know What They Are Doing……And Credit Markets Now Know It

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Lookout Kids! Our Folks At The Central Banks Are Starting To Fight

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