Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy

China’s Malaise Is Born In The USA

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The ECB’s Covered Bonds 3.0—-A Giant Spread Compression With Windfalls For The Big European Banks

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Housing Flounders—-So Here Comes Washington To Boost Lending With 3% Down

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Mind The Asian Dollar Short: Another Ticking Time Bomb Gifted By The Central Banks

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Inside Retail Ex-Debt Fueled Autos—-2nd Weakest Year This Century

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Why The Fed Ended QE: To Preserve Deniability When It Fails

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Mind The Repo Market: Fails Rising, Liquidity Subsiding

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The Keynesian Fool’s Errand: Constant Monetary Stimulus Is Whacking The Peaks, Not Filling The Troughs

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Inside Payroll Friday—-The Anomalies Abound

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Yellen’s Just Plain Obtuse: Macro-Prudential Regulation Can’t Stop ZIRP-Fueled Bubbles

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