Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy

Monetary Reflation Won’t Revive Main Street: Lessons From The 1930s

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The ECB’s Pointless Money Shuffle Is Not Giving “Traction” To The Real Economy

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How The Stock Bubble Was Inflated: Retail Leverage Plus Leveraged Corporate Stock Buybacks

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Two More Valuation Ratios Up In The Nosebleed Section: Tobin’s Q Ratio And Market Cap/GDP

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The ECB & The Fed: After 5-Years Of Coordinated Theft, What Next?

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Establishment Survey Jobs Growth Since October 2012: An Unprecedented Straight Line That Seems A Tad Crooked

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Sorry Bubblevision—Q1 Earnings Didn’t “Beat” But “Missed” By 15%

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The Glitch In Inflation Expectations Targeting: Consumers Do Know Their Real Incomes Aren’t Indexed!

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Abenomics Nails Japan’s Workers: April Real Wages Down 3% Y/Y

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QE At Work: Pouring Cheap Debt Into The Shale Ponzi

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