Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy

Battle Lines In The Fed Medicated Markets: Economists v. Bonds

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Last Year’s QE Boost To Housing Is Already Over And Done

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How Draghi’s Whack-A-Mole Policy Goosed Sovereigns And Slammed Lending

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Japan’s Great Keynesian Rebuke: Abenomics Has Wiped Out ItsTrade Accounts—-Exactly Opposite The Theory

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The Essence Of Abenomics: Swapping Japan’s Historical Trade Mercantilism For Keynesian Financialization

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Sell-Side “Pent-Up Demand” Fantasy: Q1 Retail Profit Outlook Went From +13% to -4% (Actual) In 90 Days

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Startling Clues In Dismal Wal-Mart/Target/Staples Sales Trend: Virtual Repeat of 2007-08 Plunge Into The Great Recession

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Total Y/Y Home Sales Down 7%, But Plunged 17% At Bottom (<$100k) While Up 7% At Top (>$1m)

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The Perverse Impact Of ZIRP: Old People Keep Working, Young People Live In Their Basement

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Trickle-Down Wealth Effects Don’t Work: Faltering Growth After QE3&4 Prove It

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