Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy

The “Recovery” Fizzle Is Global—Even Fed Doves Like Rosengren Are Doubting Their Handiwork

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Behind The Noisy Numbers On Housing: Slumping Trend In SF Permits And Starts

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The Canary In The Greeter’s Aisle: No “Escape Velocity” At Wal-Mart

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Obama’s Hack Politician, Rep. Mel Watts, Already Gutting Mortgage Standards And Reviving Crony Capitalist Boondoggles At Freddie/Fannie

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The Student Loan “Un-Stimulus”: Soaring Debt Is Shrinking Employment And Output

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Slumping Retail Sales Mark Death of QE’s Promise and Premise

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The Artificial Calm Before The Storm—-Gold, Copper, Yuan And The Rest

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Bubble Babble—Why The Fed Is Clueless

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The Yellen Fed Begins To Hedge Its Bets As It Becomes Clear That QE Has Failed And Is Generating Increasing Financial Stability Risks

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Consumers Are Dropping, Not Shopping: Here’s The Proof

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