
The Slowdown Stumbles On——More Bits And Pieces Pointing Down

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Japan Data Dump——-Mostly Dumping All Over Abenomics

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Mood Swings—–The Chicago ISM’s Got Vertigo

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Monetary Strangulation——-Why Credit-Based Money Trade Is Not Free Trade

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Mind The Seasonal Maladjustments And Other Statistical Shennanigans—Investment Risk These Days Includes The Census Bureau

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Janet…….We Shrunk The Recovery! Durable Goods Shipments Since 2012 Revised Down By $440 Billion

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Another Shoe Falls—–U. S. Service Sector Now At Stall Speed

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Something Bigger Than All The World’s QE’s Combined

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More Global PMIs Flashing Recession Warnings

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Markit’s PMI For Production Drops Below 50.0 For First Time Since 2009

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