
The China Boom Grinds Ever Slower——-January/February Data Update

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ECB Fires Its Bazooka………And Soon Comes The Reckoning

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The BOJ’s Inadvertent Confession——–Fostering “Price Stability” By Destroying Prices

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Now We Know Why the ECB Panicked

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Draghi’s Duplicity: QE Works Because QE Works——–Even Though It Hasn’t In The Slightest

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The Crude Oil Price and China’s Crude FX Intervention

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The Perils of Citi: The Last of the Eurodollars, Part 1

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China Trade Collapses, Global Demand Is Far Weaker Than ‘Lackluster’

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Dubious Retail Jobs Surge——The BLS Is Smoking Something

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What ‘Escape Velocity’……..Retail Spending Remains Punk

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