
Payroll Friday Strikes Again

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Japan’s Super-QE Is Two Years Old——-Households Even Deeper In The Hole

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The Productivity Skunk In The BLS’ Woodpile Of Jobs

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Janet Yellen, A Bear Late and a ‘Dollar’ Short

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Inside The March Trade Report——US Economy Clearly Weakening

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A Considerable Concoction Of Casuistry And Claptrap—–The Fed’s Latest Excuse For Failed Policies

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Q2 Rebound——So Far Not Looking Favorable

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Inside The Q1 GDP Report——Consumers Are Dropping, Not Shopping

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Trillions Of Stimulus But Nothing To Show—-Q1 Nominal Final Sales Went Negative

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After Japan’s Massive QE: Luxury Up 20%, All Retail Up 2.6%, Real Wages Down 2.4%

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